Whenever you need the money for any emergency reason but you don’t have enough money with you then you can ask your boss for a salary advance. You can make a salary advance request either through a written request letter or email.
Depending upon your company’s advance salary policy and your relationship with them, they will make a decision.
Here are the sample advance application formats which will be helpful in requesting an advance salary.
Simple Salary advance application
The Manager,
Company Name,
Sub: Application for advance salary.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing this to request an advance salary amount of ……………. Rs due to some emergency reasons in my family. Kindly deduct an installment amount of …………. Rs each month from my salary until the total amount recovers.
I hope you consider my request.
Thanking you.
Employee name,
Salary advance application for personal reasons
The manager,
Company name,
Sub: Salary advance request.
Dear Sir/Madam,
With due respect, I would like to request you to provide me with a salary advance of ………… Rs because of some personal reasons.
I will repay the advance amount in …. installments, in each installment you can deduct a sum of ………… Rs from my monthly salary.
I shall be obliged to you in this regard.
Thanking you.
Employee name,
Employee ID,
Salary advance application for marriage
The Manager,
Company name,
Sub: Salary advance application due to marriage.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I would like to inform you that my marriage was fixed and it will be held on [date]. Keeping in view of my current financial condition I want to request you for a salary advance of ……………. Rs.
The amount can be recovered every month from my salary. In each installment, you can deduct a sum of …… Rs.
I hope you consider my salary advance request.
Thanking you.
Employee name,
Employee ID,
Salary advance application for medical treatment
The Manager,
Company name,
Sub: Salary advance application for medical treatment.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I, [your name] have been working as an [designation] at [company name] for last …. Years.
Here I am requesting you to please grant me a salary advance of …….. Rs which I need for my medical treatment [reason].
I will pay back the advance amount in each month from my salary …. Installments of each ………….. Rs.
I hope you do this favor to me and I shall be grateful to you in this matter.
Thanking you.
Employee name,
Employee ID,
Salary advance application for school fees
The Manager,
Company name,
Sub: Salary advance request.
Dear Sir/Madam,
With utmost respect, I am writing this to request a salary advance amount of ………. Rs for my children’s education fee.
The amount can be recovered from my salary, in each month you can deduct an amount of …………… Rs until the entire advance amount gets recovered.
In my present financial situation, this advance will be a great relief to me, so I hope you consider my request.
Thanking you.
Employee name,
Employee ID,
Salary advance application for wife’s delivery
The Manager,
Company Name,
Sub: Salary advance application for wife’s delivery.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing this request letter for a salary advance of ………….. Rs which I need for the medical expenses of my wife’s delivery.
I would like to give my consent to deduct a sum of ………. Rs each month from my salary until the full amount is recovered.
Therefore please give your approval to provide a salary advance to me.
I shall be thankful to you in this matter.
Thanking you.
Employee name,
Employee ID,
Salary advance application for festivals like Diwali, Christmas & Eid al-Fitr
The Manager,
Company Name,
Sub: Salary advance request letter.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I, [your name] writing this to request a salary advance of …………… Rs for this ………….. Festival.
I will repay the advance amount each month from my salary in installments until the full amount gets recovered.
I hope you understand my situation and grant me the advance amount.
Thanking you.
Your name,
Employee ID,
Salary advance request mails to manager
Email format 1
Sub: Salary advance request.
Dear Sir/Madam,
This is a kind request for an advance salary of ……………. Rs due to some personal reasons. I will pay back the advance amount each month from my salary until the total amount gets recovered.
Therefore I request you to kindly approve my salary advance request.
Thank you.
Your name.
Employee ID.
Email Format 2
Sub: Salary advance application.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I, [your name] have been working as a [your designation] for the last …. years in [company name]. I am writing this to request a salary advance of ………… Rs due to some financial emergency.
I hereby give my consent for deduction of ……….. Rs every month from my salary to recover the advance amount.
I hope you consider my request.
Thanking you.
Your name,
Employee ID,