Top 25 Best Reasons for Job Change in Interview

Why do you want to change your job ? is one of the most common questions that every job seeker faces in the interviews. You should be careful when answering the question. Even if you don’t like your previous job (or) boss, it is better to not reveal that exact reason except in rare cases.

You should be tactful while answering this question. Here you can find the list of reasons which you can give as an answer for why you want to change the job question.

25 Best Reasons for Job Change in Interview

1. Looking for Better Opportunity and Career Growth

It will be the best and safe side answer in any situation. Every employee wants to grow in their career and wants to get a better salary than the previous job.

So there is nothing wrong with saying that you want to change your job for a better opportunity.

Example: I am looking for a better opportunity in view of my career growth and also to meet the increasing expenses due to inflation.

2. Want to Develop More Skills

When your current job is not paying your expected salary then you can give this reason as an answer.

Skill development is a continuous process. When you change jobs then you will learn different skills, because in each company the working procedure is different. A person who works in multiple companies will have more skills and knowledge than a person who sticks to one company.

Example: I want to improve my skills to the next level, and I think this is the best opportunity for that.

3. To Relocate to A New Place

Relocation is another important reason to change your job. It might be due to long distances (or) family problems (or) after marriage (or) due to any personal reasons. 

Some employees want to work in their hometown and some want to work near their family members. So you can tell that due to relocation I want to change my job.

Example: I want to join a job near my hometown so that I can take care of my parents.

4. No Growth at Work

When you are not getting any promotion in your job then you can tell that as a reason for a job change. Career advancement is one of the main aspects for an employee, when there are no signs of it in your current job then it is better to look for a new job.

Example: I want to grow in my field of work and I believe this is the right opportunity for that.

5. Company LayOff

If your present company is going to discontinue (or) already laid off their business then it should be your reason for the job change.

If you know any reason why they laid off their business then you can tell that reason as well.

Example: As my current company laid off / is planning to lay off, so I am looking for a new job.

6. Job is Not Related to Your Field of Education

Sometimes you need to work in jobs that are not related to your field of education, in that case, you can shift to another job where it matches your education.

Therefore if you want to change your job because of a mismatch of education then you can give this reason as an answer.

Example: I joined that job on a temporary basis due to my financial problems even though it is not related to my field of education. But I want to shift to a job that is related to my education.

7. Looking to Work in MNC

If you have a desire to work in an MNC (Multinational Corporation) and if you get an opportunity to get interviewed by an MNC, then you can tell this as a reason for the job change.

There is nothing wrong with shifting from a domestic company to MNC, you can be genuine with your answer.

Example: I always wanted to work for an MNC and I hope this will be the right opportunity to fulfill my dream.

8. The Company is Not Giving Benefits

If your current employer is not giving any benefits such as allowances, provident fund, and medical insurance etc. then you can tell this reason for the job change.

But you need to have clarity about the basic allowances that other companies in that industry are giving but not your company, because the interviewer may ask that question as well.

Example: I am not getting any statutory benefits such as provident fund and medical insurance, so I would like to join a job which offers me future security.

9. No Promotion Opportunities at Work

When you are not getting any promotion even for your hard work and experience then this can be the job change reason.

But you need to explain how much hard work you are doing and your key responsibilities in that job. 

Example: I have been looking to get promoted for so many years, but my present job doesn’t have any possibility of promotion, so I am looking for a new job that suits my experience and skills.

10. Toxic Work Environment

The toxic work environment is the major reason that most employees leave their job. But you should be extremely careful when you are giving this as a reason for a job change. 

You need to justify your reason because the interviewer will also think that in the future you may raise similar complaints about them as well. 

Note: If you are really leaving your job due to the toxic work environment then it is better to hide it and give the first reason such as “looking for a better opportunity and career growth” as an answer.’

Here are some examples of a toxic work environment not valuing your ideas, low morale, criticism, office politics, inequality, harassment, etc.

Example: Unfortunately, I left my job due to the toxic work environment. Evenghouth the management is supportive, some office politics made me leave that job.

11. No Specific Timings (No work-life balance)

If you want to change the job because your current company is not following any specific timings then you can give this as a reason.

Because proper work life balance is important for every individual.

Example: There is no specific timing in my current job, I have to do different shifts, which is affecting my health. So I am looking for a job where there is specific timings, or at least a specific work shift.

12. Too Much Travelling Time

If it is taking too much time to travel from your residence to the office and spending lots of time in traffic signals then it is better to move your residence nearer to your office or the second option should be changing jobs.

Travelling too much distance each day in the long run may kill your productivity, so it is better to reduce that time.

So it is also a valid reason for changing your job.

Example:  I am looking for a job which is nearer to my residence, so that my travel time can be reduced when compared to my present job.

13. Due to Health Problems

If your present job is causing you health problems due to heavy stress (or) long working hours (or) the chemicals released in the factory then it will be a valid reason to look for a new job.

But make sure that your new job doesn’t have such similar problems.

Example:  The continuous exposure to chemicals in my current job is making me sick regularly, so as per doctor’s advice I am looking to change my job where I don’t have any exposure to chemicals.

14. No Support from The Management

If you are not getting any support  for your inputs and work from the management and if you feel that you are getting neglected then you can tell this reason for changing the job.

But you have to explain how you are getting untreated at your current job.

Example: Sadly, I am not getting any support for my ideas at my current job, so I am looking to join a job where I can get proper support for my ideas.

15. Got Fired from The Job

You must be very careful when you are giving this as a reason for your job change. Because most of the time employees get fired due to their mistakes such as poor performance, indiscipline, mis conduct, theft, falsifying company records, violating company policies etc.

When you have a fear of background verification then you can be genuine about your reason, otherwise it is better to hide this reason, and you can replace it with the first reason in this list.

Example: Unluckily I got fired from my job without my own mistake, so I am looking for a new job.

16. Too Much Job Transfers

If your current job role deals with multiple transfers and if you don’t like it then you can give this as a reason for the job change.

Regular job transfers makes it difficult to find a new home every time and affect the education of children etc.. so you can give this as a reason.

Example: My current job has regular transfers, which is affecting the education of my children, so I want to join a job where the working location is fixed.

17. To Explore Different Sectors/Industries

When you want to explore different sectors (or) industries related to your work to further improve your knowledge and experience then you can tell this as a reason for your job change.

Example: I want to explore different sectors and industries to gain experience and knowledge. I hope this would be the right opportunity for me.

18. Due to Family Reasons/Family Members Health Problems

Sometimes due to family reasons you need to change your job. These reasons are increased family responsibilities, illness of family members, and your financial conditions, etc.

A good job will solve most of these problems, so if you are not getting sufficient remuneration in your present job then it is better to look for another job.

Example: As my parents’ health condition is not good, I am looking for a job in my native place, so that I can take care of them.

 19. Company is Relocating to Another State/Country

If your current company is shifting to another state or country and providing any opportunity to work there (or) even if you don’t like to go there then you can tell this as a reason for your job change. 

Example: My company is going to relocate their operations to a new place, and I am not interested in relocating so I want to apply for a new job.

20. Downsizing of Manpower

If your company is planning to downsize due to recession or to reduce costs then it is better to plan accordingly.

Changing your job due to downsizing of manpower in the current company is a valid reason.

Example: I have lost my job due to downsizing of manpower in my current job. So it is essential for me to get a new job.

21. Problem with the Boss

Facing problems with the boss is another major reason for employees to change their jobs. But except in some extreme cases it is better to hide this reason.

You can replace this reason with any of the other valid reasons in this list. Reveal the exact reason if it is really necessary.

Example: There is a mismatch of ideas between me and my boss, and I think it is better for me to move to a new job, so that I can work to the fullest of my potential.

22. Not Hiring On a Permanent Basis

If your company is not moving you to a permanent basis from the contract basis then you can tell this reason for your job change.

But you need to explain about your work experience and key job responsibilities.

Example: I have been kept on contract basis since my joining time, so I am looking for a new job on a permanent basis.

23. No Scope for Growth

Some jobs don’t offer any career growth opportunities even though you work for a long time. If you feel that your job is not giving such an opportunity to career growth then you can tell this as  a reason for the job change.

Example: I have noticed that there is no growth in my current job and the management is also giving the indication to merge with another company. So I am looking to get a new job.

24. For Job Security

If you want to shift from a private job to a government job (or) want to move from a small company to a big company due to job security then this can be a valid reason for your job change question.

Example: For me job security is important and I believe working at [company name] provides me with an employment guarantee.

25. After Marriage

After marriage your expenses will grow and to match it you need to find a better job, and for women employees they have to move to their husband’s location. 

Therefore your marriage will also be a valid reason to change your job.

Example: After marriage I have moved to this city along with my husband, so I am looking for a new job here.

How to Answer the Reason for Job Change in Interview 

You should be careful while answering the question: why do you want to change jobs?

It is a common question in every interview. So you should be prepared with the right answer.

Your reason for job change should highlight the positive aspects not the negative aspects from your side and company side as well.

Your future boss is always interested in knowing why you are leaving your current job ? And any negative answer for this question will hurt your job chances.

Companies generally don’t want to hire the complaining employees, so instead of complaining about the negative aspects in your current job, you should express your goals and vision. It gives a positive impression in the view of the interviewer.

Reasons for Job Change in a Short Time (3 Months  to 1 Year)

Nowadays it has become common for every employee to change regularly. There is nothing wrong with it until you leave the job with proper resignation and notice period.

Whether you work only for 3 months, 6 months, or 1 year, it is your choice to continue the job or not but when you decide to leave then you should obey the company’s termination policy.

Here are The Few Reasons for Job Change in a Short Time

  1. Looking for a better career opportunity
  2. Joined on a temporary basis/contract basic/ or as an intern
  3. The company laid off / merged with another company
  4. Taking too much travel time
  5. To take care of your family
  6. Your project has finished
  7. The company is relocating to another location.

What are some bad reasons for job change in the interview

(It is better to avoid the following reason when you answer why you want to change your company question? Except in extremely unusual cases.)

  1. You don’t like your boss/management
  2. Toxic work culture
  3. You got fired from the job
  4. You don’t like your job
  5. Not getting paid for overtime
  6. Unable to finish your targets
  7. Office politics


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