Generally, employers need their ESIC registration certificate when they lose it or when they newly register their establishment in ESIC. But generally, Employee State Insurance Corporation doesn’t give any ESI registration certificate to the employer and the same cannot be downloaded from the ESIC employer portal. Nowadays entire registration process of ESIC and EPF has become online through Shram Suvidha Portal.
After registration, the employer will get an ESIC establishment code and password through an email. Earlier employers need to have their company registration certificate in their office files, but now there is no need to have that, every employer has to file only the monthly contribution challan receipts, which will be enough for any audit purpose.
But in PF employers can download their PF code allotment letter and form 5A establishment details at employer EPF portal.

But in ESIC it is not possible to download ESIC registration certificate, but if you want to have a copy then you can take a print out of the email where ESIC intimates you about the allotment of code to your organization.
Still if You Want ESIC Registration Certificate then Do This
- The first option is to visit your concerned ESIC regional branch office and submit them a request letter to issue a registration certificate, then they will allot a copy of your establishment’s ESIC registration certificate.
- The second option is by filing an RTI to the employee state insurance corporation.

Also read: How to Download ESIC Pehchan card
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