No, your new employer cannot check your previous EPF deductions by using your UAN number. But they can find your service history by using your UAN number in their employer PF portal.
In the below image, you can see how employers check the service history of their employees by using UAN numbers.

“If you are mentioning fake salary details then you don’t need to worry about giving your previous UAN number to the new employer, but if you have mentioned wrong experience details then it is better to not give your UAN to the new employer.”
Why Hiding Your Previous PF Details is Not a Good Idea
At present Aadhar number of the employee is mandatory to generate a UAN number. So if you already had a UAN which was linked to your Aadhar number, then it is not possible to generate a new UAN.
And the second reason is if you keep on changing UAN numbers (not possible nowadays) then your EPF service period will break, which will hurt your monthly EPF pension amount after 58 years of your age.
Finally, any misrepresentation of previous job details will take away your peace of mind and they may hurt at any time. Now most companies made background verification very strict. So hiding your previous job details is not a good idea.
Can We Open a New PF Account When We are Absconding from Previous Company
Once your UAN is linked with your Aadhar number then it not possible to create a new UAN with the same Aadhar number. Because at present EPFO made it mandatory to submit the Aadhar number of the employee to generate a new PF account.
So you have to continue with the same UAN whenever you join in the new job.

Can my previous employer find where I work now ?
Yes they can know in which company you are working by using your UAN. UAN provides complete service history details for both employees and employers.
How to remove previous employer from UAN ?
It is not possible to remove your previous employer from UAN, even though you withdraw your full PF and pension amounts still your new employers can see your previous company details.
My UAN is linked to my new employer, can I withdraw the PF amount from my previous employer?
First you have to transfer your previous company PF amount to new company PF account, after successful transfer whenever you leave your present job then you can withdraw both previous and present company PF amounts.
But you can withdraw PF advance amount from the previous company PF account even without transfer.
Also read
- Is it mandatory to deduct PF for a salary more than 15000 Rs
- How to calculate basic salary from CTC in India
- Can an employer change the date of joining in EPF online
Hi I am working in A Company a manufacturing based from past 4 years company
I wanted to switch to IT industry with Fake experience in IT by learning some course about 3-4 months time
Will the new company will find my fake experience through UAN
Some small and medium-sized companies don’t check those details using UAN>
Hi sir,
Medium size means? can u tell how many people working in company, if u tell that it would be help.a lot..
Thanks in advance
hey hi, I have a similar doubt. i have joined an organization 20 days back and they have generated UAN number as i can see that in EPFO portal and i am sure that they have also opened my PF account. Now i have got an offer for another company as a fresher and i am willing to join as a fresher without mentioning about my current organization details. Now when the new company asks for UAN, i need to submit as if tehy try to generate new UAN it will say Adhaar/PAN/Mobile already exists. Now my query is that will the new company know about my previous organization or previous PF account details or previous date of exit from the company ?
I don’t want my new employer to get to know about all of these.
please do reply if anyone knows about this
Did you face any problem?
Hi Rajesh,
How to check whether my previous employer have linked my UAN with aadhar nor not?
As in epfo portal i can see it is asking for ekyc with aadhar, i am in doubt whether my aadhar is already linked with UAN or not .
Hello I have done work at A company for 4 months and resigned. And I got better offer In B and i joined as fresher in Company B.
Now Company B is asking for previous pf and UAN number if available. Should i provide or not .As i am joining as fresher in B do they know about Employment in A.
Hi preetham I am in similar situation, Could you please tell what you did then?
Sir I have working in corporation I have completed 4 yrs here after this due to my personal problems I have abscond to my job in corporation and I’m going as a fresher to another pvt company my question is that the new pvt company can know my previous employer through uan old pf account not yet closed I have not resigned that job I have just absconded
Hi Rajesh,
It’s not good to abscond when you work for a company for 4 yrs. If you work for 1 year.. you can abscond because 4 yrs of experience will help you in some way. Meanwhile, If you need to proceed with a new company give your UAN no but don’t disclose your pf account. They will create new pf account for you. That’s it
Hi Rajesh,
My last day in company A was April 19. I joined company B on April 21. Got good offer of company C for joining as May 2.
So I informed Company B on May 1 that I will not continue with them. And joined company C without telling about Company B.
Problem is Company B has contributed April PF which is visible under UAN. And if they will contributed for May also as may be they have entered my last day as May 6, then it will be a overlap. Will my current employer find it, if yes then from where?
I have joined new company B and still continuing in company A it has 2 months of notice period. However while joining A, they said “if you are working/serving notice period then kindly let us know and we will provide later DOJ”. But I said I’m not working as I dint want to show them company A’s experience. Now for next 2 months I’m working in both the company and PF will be deducted from both company as both of them has my UAN. I’m afraid during BGV will they get to know i’m working somewhere else ? Will this create issue.? What shall I do now?
Same thing happen with me
Does you get any answer or solution on this???
If yes then please share solution for me
Hi Sachin,
Have you faced any issue.
I’m also facing same issue.
I’m working in two organization’s at althe same time so are you facing any issue from PF or INCOME TAX side.
Hi Akansha,
Have you faced any issue.
I’m also facing same issue.
I’m working in two organization’s at althe same time so are you facing any issue from PF or INCOME TAX side.
Do you got any problem i too same issue
Hii ,I am 2021 passed I joined a company and I worked their 6 months after that I got a job in other company as a fresher so I have just inform them and I left that company without providing notice period then I have not provided then UAN num
to new company but now they are asking my UAN and old pf number I said them I have worked just 3 months in that company so by pf num did they come to get my last transaction history or not ?
Hi kusuma
I’m facing the same situation now. What happened next can you please share.
I’ve done job on diploma basis along with my fulltime degree. My job used to be in second shift and I used to attend college in morning. I’ve applied for company as a fresher on degree basis. I have a UAN so will there be a problem while at the time of joining.
I’m in my final sem of engineering.
And I’ve left my job in November 2021.
It was necessary for me to do job so that I can provide meal to my family.
Will there be a problem at the time of joining.
It will not create any problem, continue the same UAN whenever you join a new job.
My new company HR asking my PF passbook.
Im hiding 6 month experience in last company is it any problems…
Generally, companies don’t ask for a PF passbook, they will ask for only a UAN number.
But if it is mandatory then you have nothing to do except submit it.
I am a 2021 Graduate and got a job in September 2021.
I have worked with that company for 5 months and left it recently , now I am getting an offer from another company and have told them that I am a fresher.
What should I do for the pf and UAN details as the recruitment HR and manager knows that I am a fresher , at the time of bgv if I don’t mention my UAN and of details of previous company , will that give me a red flag at the time of bgv? What should I do?
When you said you are fresher then there is no need to worry.
If you already have the UAN, then continue the same UAN.
Thanks for replying
Wanted to know that I worked with an mnc for 5 months I do have pf and UAN no. As I have not mentioned about the same to the new company from where I am getting an offer , if at the time of document submission/bgv I provide my UAN no. And pf details , will the bgv team tell about the same to the hiring HR and manager ? Will I be accused of not providing them details that I worked somewhere ,…will this may create issue?
As per my knowledge, it doesn’t create any issue.
And most employers don’t use UAN for background verification.
Hi muskan, I’m facing the same situation now. Did it created any issue ?can share what happened.
I worked for two companies as a full time employment. Leave the company B in one month they give me salary for that one month and they asked me to share the UAN number if they give me a PF for month will that know by my current company A??
If any one other than my previous employer can chase my UAN number with the help of Adhara number
They cannot find your UAN with your Aadhar.
You are wrong. If the new employer takes your Aadhaar and PAN card details, and submits them for online KYC, on the EPFO Employer’s Portal, that portal will flash an error message, which says the following words:
“Entered AADHAAR is already linked to UAN/s”, and the UAN number.
i abscanded from a job(XXX) in feb 25 …joinined a new job on feb 28..i provided UAN number to my new employer …they asked me to fill form-11 (transfer request form) – will this create any problem …can the new employer create new pf number?
It is a regular process, they will create a new PF number but the UAN will be the same.
Later you have to transfer your PF from your previous PF account to latest PF account number on UAN member portal.
Hi, i joined company A in Aug’21 and then dint have any work assigned to me so i joined company B in the month of Sept’21 left company B in the month of Feb’22. Now company A is saying they can see another PF active on my UAN. What details can my company A see to know there is another PF accent and also, can withdrawing of PF from company B will result in deactivating company B PF account? Please help.
If a new employer can know pf deduction period from UAN ? I mean from which month to which month
Exempted organization is able to find or check PF deduction of new employee(whose previous pf deduction is with epfo ) or not.
my previous company is unexempted now i join new company who is exempted, is it possible to they can see previous unexempted company pf deduction and pf amount after or before pf transfer.
in pf transfer is only service is transfer or all pf amount is transfer from previous unexempted to present exempted. kindly help
To do PF transfer you need to submit Annexure K to your current employer, in that they will see your previous PF details.
If you transfer PF then both service and amounts will also transfer.
Annexure K is used for exempted to unexempted pf transfer
what about unexempted to exempted pf transfer can they abled to check or see pervious company pf deduction amount. after or before transfer please guide or suggest .
in current time can company able to transfer pf themselves
can my new employer see my previous pf deduction and available amount in pf account
is it possible or not
Not possible.
If we give UAN id and member id to new employer then he can see PF contribution amount and amount available in PF account
I have an experience of one year in a company A before joining new companyB I m working in.. But during my past working days I was working on a part time c basis also along with my company A but to the new company B I have not shown my part time work .. Now they are asking for UAN in which company c details are mentioned as they created the pf account for me
What should I do now
As it is a part-time job, you have to stop contributing PF there and give the UAN to your company “B”.
We don’t know whether they check previous employment details or not, but most companies don’t check.
Anyway, it is better to prepare with an answer, in case your company B asks about your part-time job.
Hello…You said that – stop contributing PF there and give the UAN to your company “B”. But How tow to stop contributing ?
You have to tell your employer to stop contributing to PF.
For that either your employer has to agree (or) you have to leave that job.