Download this simple format of covering letter for PF withdrawal which you can use it for PF final settlement. Before writing PF cover letter you have to check whether you are writing this letter to your employer or to PF regional office.
When you are applying for PF final settlement through your employer then you need to write a cover letter to your employer, and when you are directly sending your PF withdrawal forms to your PF regional office then you need to write the cover letter to your regional EPF office.
You don’t need PF cover letter when you personally visit and apply for PF withdrawal, it is needed when you are sending PF claim forms like PF form 19, PF form 10C, PF transfer form 13 or PF composite claim forms through courier.
Covering Letter For PF Withdrawal To Employer Or HR:
To Date:
The XYX Company Ltd, Place:
Employer Address.
Name of the EPF member,
PF member Id:
UAN Number:
Sub: Request For PF Final Settlement
Dear Sir,
Please find enclosed PF withdrawal forms of mine along with supporting documents like the cancelled cheque and please let me know if I need any further information or documents.
Here are the details of the documents which I have submitted:
I request you to please attest the documents and submit them to PF office.
Thanking you.
Signature of the EPF member.
Covering Letter For PF Withdrawal To The Regional EPF Office:
To Date:
The Provident Fund Commissioner, Place:
PF Office Address.
Name of the EPF member,
PF member Id:
UAN Number:
Sub: Request For PF Final Settlement
Dear Sir,
Please find enclosed PF withdrawal forms of mine along with supporting documents like cancelled cheque which are attested by my employer.
Here are the details of the documents which I have submitted:
I request you to please process my PF final settlement as soon as possible.
Thanking you.
Signature of the EPF member.
my friend left his job 30 years back. unfortunately he could not apply for pf settlement. how can settle is pf account now ?. what are the documents required ?
He should visit his PF office for a claim.
Please, send me letter format to pf reigonal office to correction ncp days.