How to Check ESIC Leave Payment Status

If you applied for any ESIC benefits such as sickness, maternity leave, reimburse benefits, etc then you can check the status of your claim payment online on the ESIC employee login portal.

Here is the step-by-step process on how to check your ESIC Payment status online.

How to Check ESIC Leave Payment

Step 1: Go to ESIC employee login portal (if you get any error while opening this page then click on login again options showing on the screen).

Step 2: If you are using this portal for the first time then you have to sign up to set a password to log in. For that click on the signup option and enter your ESIC IP number and your mobile number. After signup only you can log in on this site.

Step 3: After signing up login to the ESIC IP portal with your ESI number and password.

ESIC employee login portal

Step 4: Now on the home page you can find an option called “Status of the Claim” under insured person, click on it.

ESIC leave payment status check

Step 5: Now enter the time period from which date to which date you want to check the payment status, enter the claim ID, and select the acknowledgment number. After entering all the required details click on submit.

How to check ESIC leave payment status.

Step 6: Now you can see the payment status of your claim on your screen.

ESIC leave salary calculation process

Under ESIC sickness leave benefit the insured person will get 70% of wages up to 91 days in two consecutive ESIC contribution periods. ( 1st April to 30st September & 1st October to 31st March)

Under ESIC maternity leave benefits the insured women will get 100% of salary up to 26 weeks.


How many days will it take to get ESIC to leave the payment?

You will get your ESIC to leave payment within 15 days from the date of applying the claim.

What to do If I don’t get my ESIC to leave payment status?

You can send your feedback online using the beneficiary feedback option. You can find that option on the homepage of the employee ESIC portal.

Who will pay ESIC leave salary?

Of Course, it will be paid by the Employee State Insurance Corporation, from monthly contributions of employees and employers.


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