As we all know Aadhar number or Aadhar enrollment id is mandatory to generate new UAN number to the employees, but in some cases, due to unavailability of Aadhar details, some employees are not able to get EPF benefits even though their basic wages are less than 15000 Rs. Employers are also raising this issue that they can’t able to provide EPF benefits because of unavailability of Aadhar details. Even the new employee will get Aadhar card in One or Two months still they can’t able to contribute to EPFO for those 1 or 2 months. Here is a good news that EPPF made a provision to generate UAN number without Aadhar details of employees.
How To Generate UAN Number Without Aadhar Details Of Employee:
Even though it is a good news for EPF members that now they can get UAN number without Aadhar details but employers can’t able to generate UAN numbers to the employees who don’t carry Aadhar number or enrollment id. Employers need to contact Regional Provident Fund Commissioner (RPFC) with a request letter by stating that “a particular employee who has joined recently doesn’t have Aadhar number, so we request you to please generate UAN to that particular employee”.
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Based on the undertaking of the employer the EPF officials will generate UAN number to the employee, and they will intimate both employee and employer after generating UAN number. It is really a good news for all the employees because in some states and areas still, they don’t have Aadhar cards. So it will be a great relief for all those employees.
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