The candidates who want to apply for the jobs in ESIC need to upload a scanned copy of a handwritten declaration format along with their photograph, signature, left thumb impression. The reason to submit this ESIC hand written hand declaration format is to declare that all the documents which are uploaded by the candidate are true. Here you can find a hand declaration format for ESIC.
Hand Written Declaration Format for ESIC
“I, ______________(name of the person), hereby declare that all the information submitted by me in the application form is correct, true and valid. I will present the supporting documents as and when required.”
ESIC Hand Written Declaration Format Scanned Image

Points to Consider Before Writing ESIC Hand Written Declaration
- The above hand declaration format of ESIC should be written in own handwriting of the candidate in English only. If it is written by somebody else or in any other language then it will not be accepted.
- The declaration has to be written on a white paper with a black or blue pen only.
- In the case of visually impaired candidates who can not write can submit a text of the above declaration typed on a white paper and they need to put their left-hand thumb impression.
- Don’t write a hand declaration format in capital letters, if done it is invalid.
- The file type of scanned image should be in jpg/jpeg format.
- The dimension of the hand declaration format image should be 800 X 400 pixels or 10 cms X 5 cms. You can crop the scanned image in Microsoft picture manager or in any image editing software.
- The size of the scanned image should be between 50 kb – 100 kb.
- Before scanning the documents adjust the scanner resolution to 200 dpi (dots per inch).
- The online application will not be registered if you don’t upload the scanned copy of the handwritten declaration format.
I also made a mistake in hand declaration .can I edit
Is it necessary to put a signature below the hand written declaration?
I had uploaded hand declaration wrong.. any one can help me in correcting