How to Calculate Salary Per Day

To know the per day salary divide your salary by the total number of days in a month, and to know the monthly salary multiply the per day salary by the total number of paid days in a month. 

Salary per day = Salary / Total Days in a Month

For example, if your salary is 30,000 Rs 

and the number of days in a month is 30 days then your per day salary = 30000/30= 1000 Rs

If the number of days is 31 days then per day salary = 30000/31= 967 Rs

If the number of days is 28 days then per day salary = 30000/28= 1071 Rs

The above calculation is not only used to calculate your gross salary per day, using the same formula you can calculate your per day allowances as well. 

For example, if your conveyance allowance per month is 1600 Rs and the of days in that month is 30 days.

Then per day conveyance allowance = 1600/30 = 53 Rs.

Per Day Salary Calculation in Excel

How to calculate monthly Salary 

Monthly salary = Per day Salary X Total Paid days

Per day salary = Salary / Total days in a month

Paid days = Total days in a month – LOPs (Loss of Pays)

For example, if your gross salary is 30000 Rs and that month is 31 days, and you have 2 LOPs then your monthly salary will be calculated as follows

= (30000 gross salary / 31 days in a month) X 29 Paid days= 28043

Because of 2 LOPs, the salary is decreased

What is Per Day Slary If My Company is Considering 236 Days in a Month

Some companies consider 26 days as the total days in a month without Sundays. Because in every month there will be 4-5 Sundays.

If you have any LOPs then those LOPs can be deducted from 26 days, not from the actual total days in a month.

If your company is considering 26 days as total days in a month then your per day salary = Your salary / 26

Ex: If an employee’s salary is 30000 Rs

Then your per day salary  = 30000/26 = 1153

If the same employee has 2 LOPs in that month

Then his monthly salary = Per day salary X Paid days = 1153 X  (26-2) = 27692

Finally, whether your company is considering actual total days in a month or 26 working days excluding Sundays, in both cases your monthly salary will not change, but your per day salary will be different.

To keep your salary structure simple it is better to consider the actual number of days in a month.


What is the actual number of days in a month?

Actual days in a month means a total number of days in a month.
In January we have 31 days, so the actual days in January month are 31. 
Similar to April we have 30 days, so the actual days in April are 30

Is salary calculated 30 days or working days?

Per day salary is calculated based on the total days in a month either 30 (or) 31 (or) in April month 28 or 29 days.
Your earned salary is calculated based on your total working days (paid days) in that particular month)

How to calculate per day’s basic wage?

To know your per day basic wage divide your actual basic wage by the total days in a month.


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