Linking KYC details like Aadhar number, bank account number with UAN number is mandatory to claim PF amount online, there are some cases where PF claim amount is more than 50000 Rs then you need to link your PAN number also. EPF KYC linking involves two steps they are 1. Updating EPF KYC online and 2. Approving EPF KYC details by the employer.
How to Update KYC Details Online by Employee
Step 1: To update KYC details with UAN number login to UAN member portal with UAN number and password. After login go to Manage option in the menu and select KYC option from the submenu.
Step 2: Now enter Bank account details like A/C number and IFSC code, Aadhar details like Aadhar number and name, and PAN number(Not mandatory for claims below 50000 Rs in less than 5 yrs of service). After adding all the details click on save.
Step 3: After saving KYC details they will appear under KYC approval pending section. Once KYC details appear under approval pending section then the work of the employee is completed. Now it is the duty of the employer to approve KYC details of employee. Let’s see how they approve employee KYC details.
How Employer Approves EPF KYC Details of Employees
Step 1: To approve EPF KYC details employer should login to employer PF portal with establishment user id and password. In home page go to Member option in the menu and select Approve KYC pending for DS. (Employer need digital signature or E sign to approve KYC details)
Step 2: Now the employer can view the list of KYC requests which are pending for approval. Employer can check those details by clicking on view option. Now click on DS KYC or esign KYC option under approve section.
Step 3: Now insert digital signature pen drive in the computer and approve KYC details of employees. Remember Digital signature will work only in Mozilla FireFox version below 48 and Google Chrome version 48. To know more details click on this link system requirements for digital signature.
Ask your question about linking KYC details with PF UAN number in below comments section.
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I am getting this error while approving KYC data of employees on EPFO portal.
Error while approving the request. Please try after some time.
How resolve this.