PF joint declaration form is used to correct wrong details of employees in PF like his name, date of birth, father name, date of joining and date of exit, etc… PF joint declaration form is also known as EPF name correction form or EPF date of birth correction form. EPF members can use this same form to correct each and every detail in their PF account.
Note: Do you know to correct your basic details like your name, date of birth, and gender you don’t need a PF joint declaration form, you can correct them online at the UAN member portal as per your Aadhar details.
Details You can Correct in Online at UAN member portal without joint declaration form | Details You can Correct by Using PF Joint Declaration Form |
Name of the employee | Name of the employee |
Aadhar number | Relationship details like father name/husband name |
Gender | Gender |
Date of birth | Date of birth |
Date of joining in EPF | |
Date of exit in EPF |
PF Joint Declaration Form Cover Letter Format

How To Fill PF Joint Declaration By The Member And The Employer
Date, write the date of submission of PF joint declaration form to the EPF office.
Address of the PF regional office, write the address of the regional EPF office to which you are submitting your joint declaration.
Write your correct name and name of your establishment.
Name correction, if you want to correct your name then write your correct name and also the wrong name in given fields.
Father/husband name, if you want to correct your father’s name or husband’s name then write their correct name and wrong name in given fields.
PF/EPS account number, you can also correct your wrong PF account number.
Date of birth correction, write your correct and wrong date of births.
Date of joining and date of exit correction, you can also correct your date of joining and date of exits.
Once the EPF member or employer submits this PF joint declaration form to the EPF regional office then their details will be corrected within 30 days.
Read: How to correct PF details online
Along with PF joint declaration form employer need to submit a request letter on company letterhead for correction of details and their attestation is also required on PF joint declaration form. Once employee approaches the employer then it is the duty of the employer to fill EPF joint declaration form and submitting it to PF regional office.
PF Joint Declaration Form Supporting Letter Format
Provident Fund commissioner,
PF Sub-regional office,
Marripalem Vuda Lay-out,
NAD Post,
Sub: Name Correction
Respected Sir,
Mr. K Prasad worked in our company (XYZ Company Ltd) as an Accountant in the Finance department since 01-05-2017. In the PF portal his name is mentioned as Mr. K Prasad ( PF No: GR/VSP/6000X/123) . But his actual full name is Koduru V V Prasad Kumar. Request you to make correction of his name to Koduru V V Prasad Kumar.
Thanking you in advance.
Yours Sincerely,
P Srinivasa Rao.
PF Joint Declaration Form FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
No, there is no option to submit a Joint declaration form online, you need to submit the hard copy of the filled PF joint declaration form offline directly to your regional PF office. But as I said earlier you can correct some details online at the UAN portal like your name and date of birth by using your aadhar details.
EPF members who have applied for EPF corrections can check the status of their PF joint declaration form by observing their online PF passbook or UAN member portal profile.
In most cases, it will take a maximum of 30 days for correction of your personal details like your name, DOB, DOE, father name or husband name in the PF portal.
If 30 days completed and still if your details don’t change, then raise a grievance at PF portal. So that you can know why your details are not corrected. Once you know the reason then you can solve your problem. In most cases, the reason for not correcting EPF details is not submitting valid supporting documents. So always submit a valid proof for the correction of your details in PF portal.
If your name on PAN is correct and name in PF portal is wrong then you need to correct your name in PF portal either in online or by submitting PF joint declaration form. After name correction, you can link your PAN with your UAN number.
You can correct your basic details like your name, dob, Aadhar number, father name online at UAN portal, but for this also you need your employer approval. So without an employer, it is not possible to correct your details. If your employer is not signing PF joint declaration form or not cooperating with you then you can give a complaint about your employer at the EPF grievance portal.
i have been terminated from my prev job and now my Date of Leaving and contribution dates differ due to which my pf withdrawal was rejected what to do?
You should correct the wrong DOJ or DOE, by submitting PF joint declaration form to the PF office.
Respected sir,
My UAN Number is 10018xxxxxx,I have applied for a name change of my father using Joint declaration form,I have submitted all the necessary documents at kadapa EPFO office (GRCDP0069339000),Still nothing has been done,I am uploading all the necessary documents for your reference,
I also conveyed my concerned that my mother name has been placed in father name stating the relation as husband.I have formally submitted a letter along with all the documents,Sir EPFO Office nellore which is 50 km to my work place but as it is under Kadapa which is 165km(4hrs journey) from my office location still travelled and manually submitted all the documents,I had to mention this bcoz 2months back i have sent a registered post which is verified and stamped at nellore EPF office but no progress so I have submitted manually,In this regard please look into this matter and do the needful.
You can register a complaint on EPF grievance portal website to know the status of your request.
Based on the reply you can take next step.
Provident Fund commissioner,
PF Sub-regional office,
Sub: Name Correction
Respected Sir,
Ms. Deepika J worked in our company (Apollo hospitals Ltd., Chennai – 6) as an Health check department since 15-02-2007. In the PF portal his name is mentioned as Ms. Deepika ( PF No: 100132XXXXX8) . But his actual full name is Deepika J. Request you to make correction of his name to Deepika J
Thanking you in advance.
Yours Sincerely,
Deepika J
Hello sir mai joint declretion form 27/06/2023 ko main office surat me jama kiya abhi tak update nahi hua date of birth please help me
My salary in EPF portal is wrong. By mistake our HR department kept my gross salary its above RS 150000 how can i correct it. because of this issue i am not eligible for EPS. How can i correct this
eagerly waiting for your valuable advice.
thanks, and regards
Your employer should write a request letter to the EPF office to correct your gross wage.
dear sir / madam
I was not able to login to EPF portal as forgot password was not working due to date of birth mismatch.
When they say reason for rejection as Father name mismatch its mistach with reference to what
1. father name in UAN portal v/s father name in Aadhar..?
2. father name in UAN portal v/s fatehr anme in linked bank account ..?
Hi sir,
I have raised transfer request to transfer pf amount from previous organisation to present. My previous organisation transferred money to my present account,but request got rejected at field office by stating 1) techincal issue 2) father name differs.but my father name is correct how to proceed further.
If I raise request again will my previous organisation respond as they have already transferred the amount to present company
Hi Sir,
I joined in my current company on 15/05/2014.
1.The date of joining in EPF is 01/12/2014
But I got contributions towards this PF account from March 2015.
That means Contribution was missing for the months December 2014 to February 2015.
2.By checking the service history , this PF Account ended on 01/05/2017.
But contributions were made to this same account after the end date upto February 2019.
4.Apart from this, the contribution was missing in OCT-2017.
5.Then a new PF Account was started on 01/05/2017, but the contributions made to this from March 2019.
Sir, throughout these years, I have worked for the same company. Now I have requested to transfer the contributions in my old account to my new one. But it was rejected due to these reasons. How will I solve these problems? Will you please help me
Dear sir .. i wrongly update the exit reason .. how yto change reliving date sir
Sir my pf account name correction cheyali sir please respond sir
UAN activate करताना UIDAI services doesn’t matched with unfied portal असा error येतोय नाव दुरुस्ती चे विनंती साठी अर्ज कंपनीचे मुख्यालय मुंबई येथेच सादर केले पण कारवाई पुढे होत नाही यासंदर्भात सोलापूर येथील office मदत करणे नाकारते आहे हे त्यांच्या अधिकार क्षेत्रात येते की नाही?
Dear sir,
I claimed my pf. I get an error DOJ AND DOL SAME, SUBMIT JOINT DECLARATION. what kind this error. I can solve this error. I leave company many times before. so pls help me.
As per your message both date of joining and the date of leaving your job same.
So please check them on your UAN member portal.
If they are really wrong, you need to correct the wrong one by submitting PF joint declaration form to your PF office.
I was not able to login to EPF portal as forgot password was not working due to date of birth mismatch.
Sir how can I online date of birth change in pf account
If the difference is less than 3 years, you can correct it online on UAN member portal website.
But PF account is not opened i forgot the password and he can show date of birth is not matching show please advice this issue.
You need to correct the date of exit in the EPF portal by submitting PF joint declaration form to your PF office.
(You can able to reset password when your date of birth in PF and Aadhar matches)
So correct your date of birth in PF as per your Aadhar card.
If your DOB is wrong in Aadhar, then you have to correct it by visiting your nearest Aadhar enrollment center.
Hello Sir
I requested my name change from Santhosh to Santhosh S (with initial) account Aadhaar and it is updated.
With this, I tried to change my new name (Santhosh S) in UAN portal.
My request was approved by my ex employer. However, EPFO rejected my request mentioning as below
Your request to change Name/DOB/Gender in unified portal is rejected by EPFO field office
Currently I am not staying in India. Please suggest me how to resolve this case.
Hi All,
In PF portal , in Father Name/Husband Name column ,my husband name is mention but in relationship ,it is mention as Father.
Could you please suggest how I can update the relationship as there is no relationship column in Joint Declaration form.
You need to write a seaprate request letter to the PF office stating the issue, and the letter should be signed by your employer with the company seal.
Hey sir,
My uncle resiged company in the age of 59. so company neither update date of exit nor sign the form.please help me sir
He can update his date of exit himself on the UAN member portal.
This is not possible online to make a correction on employee exit date. The EPFO Website says “CONTACT YOUR EMPLOYER”.
What to do if an employer business itself is closed for ever, and there is no one to sign or stamp the Joint Declaration Form?
how to write merger letter to EPF
SOLUTION: I was not able to login to EPF portal as forgot password was not working due to name mismatch.
Try Umang App. I was able to raise my claim through this app. It was smooth process.
You are welcome.
Hey @kumar , can u pls guide me on this . My onboarding to new company is denied due to this issue
Is it resolved, even I’m facing same issue. Please help me or guide me.
Many Thanks
Could you please guide me, I am unable to onboard in my new organization, due to same issue.
Hey Sir,
My Date of exit has been updated as wrong by my previous plzz chenjing my exit date may name is Swapnil gendev parte please 🙏 help and widryawal may pf cash
Hey Sir,
My Date of exit has been updated as wrong by my previous organisation (also,they’ve shared the relieving letter) and now they are not cooperating to help me out with the required changes.i have asked them several times to submit the Joint declaration form,but they are not listening.Please suggest what should be done as i am unable to do E-nomination and transfer my Pf balance.
Register a complaint about your employer on the EPF grievance portal.
A little pressure from the EPFO makes some employers to respond employee problems.