Form 15G is a self-declaration to declare that the total income in a financial year is less than the income tax slab limit. It should be filled by the citizens of India whose age is ≤ 60 years. If the age is above 60 years then they have to submit form 15 H in place of form 15G. By submitting form 15G we can avoid TDS on PF withdrawals and fixed deposit interest
When it comes to PF withdrawal if the total PF amount ( employee + employer share) is above 50,000 Rs and the total service is below 5 yrs then that EPF member should submit form 15G along with PF claim form 19.
If EPF members fail to submit Form 15G then 34.6% tax will deduct from their PF claim amount (or) sometimes EPF officials will reject the EPF claim.
EPF members whose age is below 60 years need to submit Form 15G and for above 60 years form 15H is required.
Form 15G is not required If your PF amount is less than 50,000 Rs (or) the total service is above 5 years.
Tax on PF Withdrawal
If the employee submits both PAN and 15G | No tax deduction |
If the employee submits only PAN | TDS 10% |
If the employee doesn’t submit PAN also | TDS 34.6% |
EPFO Circular on TDS Deduction

Form 15G Filled Sample for PF Withdrawal in 2022
Form 15G consists Two parts, we need to fill only part 1 of form 15G there is no need to fill part 2 of form 15G, just leave that page blank.
Here is an example of a sample filled form 15G part 1 and part 2, which will guide you on how to fill form 15G correctly for PF claim…
Sample Filled Form 15G Part 1

Sample Filled Form 15G Part 2

How to Fill Form 15G for PF Withdrawal in 2022
Field 1 (name of the assessee): Name of the person who is withdrawing PF amount.
Field 2 (PAN of the assessee): PAN number of the person withdrawing PF.
Field 3 (Status): Individual
Field 4 (Previous Year): 2021- 22
[note: until the end of the 31 March 2022 the previous year is 2021-22, later the previous year changes to 2022-23]
Field 5(Residential status): Indian
Fields 6 to 14: Address, mobile number, and email id of the person claiming PF.
Field 15: If you filed any IT returns then tick Yes, otherwise tick No. If you tick Yes then mention the assessment year. (Assessment year is the year followed by the financial for which you paid income tax).
Field 16 (Estimated income): PF amount ( employee and employer contribution), not pension amount.
Field 17 (Estimated total income): Mention your estimated annual income and PF amount together. For example, if you mentioned 60000 Rs in field 16 and your annual estimated income is 1,00,000 Rs then mention 1,60,000 Rs
Field 18: If any form 15Gs were submitted earlier then mention those details, otherwise leave this field blank.
Field 19: Write your UAN, PF number, and the section as 192 (A).
Previous year ending on 31 March 2022
[note: if you submit form 15G before 31 March 2022, later it will be 31 March 2023]
Assessment year: 2022 – 23
[note: until the end of the 31 March 2022 the assessment year is 2022-23, later the assessment year changes to 2023-24]
(Previous year and assessment year change every year, if you are withdrawing PF amount in between 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022 then mention the above details). The changes will be updated every year here.
Form 15G Part 2: You don’t need to fill part 2 of form 15G, it will be filled by the EPF officers. But you have to upload the blank copy of form 15G part 2 while claiming for PF using form 19 at the UAN member portal.
Difference Between Form 15G and Form 15H
- Form 15G will be submitted by the resident individuals whose age is below 60 years and their taxable income should be less than 2,50,000 Rs for Fy 2020-21.
- Form 15H will be submitted by the resident individuals whose age is 60 or above 60 along with below income tax slab criteria
- For senior citizens, the annual income should be less than 3 lakhs, and for super senior citizens of age above 80 yrs, the annual income should be less than 5 lakhs.
- Income from fixed deposit interests and post office deposit interests should be less than 50,000 Rs.
Form 15H Filled Sample for PF Withdrawal in 2021 – 22 ( If Age is Above 60 Years)
Filled Form 15H Part 1

Filled Form 15 H Part 2

How To Submit Form 15G & 15H Online For PF Withdrawal
Now EPF members can upload form 15G and form 15H online at the UAN member portal while applying for the PF claim. Here is the step-by-step process of uploading forms 15G and 15H for online PF claims.
Step 1: EPF members who select form 19 i.e PF amount withdrawal in the UAN member portal will get an option to upload form 15G. You don’t need to submit form 15G for pension amount withdrawal i.e form 10C amount.

Step 2: To upload form 15G in the member portal, first, download form 15G in this post and fill it with blue or black ball pen and scan it and save the document in PDF format, and size should be less than 1 MB. Now upload this form 15G in the UAN member portal.
But remember to upload form 15G your PAN number must be linked with your UAN number otherwise UAN portal will not accept the form 15G and you will get the following message that “Verified PAN not available cannot upload form 15G”.
In this case, you need to submit 2 copies of form 15G and 1 copy of your PAN card to your regional EPF office, within 1 or 2 days after applying for the online claim, then no tax will deduct from your PF claim amount.
Form 15G for PF Withdrawal FAQs
# Is form 15G mandatory for PF withdrawal?
If your total PF amount is 50,000 Rs or above and your service is below 5 years then only you need to submit form 15G, otherwise, you don’t need to submit form 15G.
If you don’t submit the form 15G eligible case, then EPFO will reject your PF claim and ask you to reclaim your PF along with form 15G. But in very rare cases your claim will be settled with tax deduction.
# What is estimated income on form 15G
While filling form 15G in field numbers 15 and 16, we will see estimated income details. Estimated income for which this declaration made means the amount which you are withdrawing. You can find the amount on your PF passbook.
In field no 16 you need to mention your estimated annual income. ( You don’t need to mention the exact amount, just mention the estimated amount.)
# Will service period in multiple companies consider for PF Withdrawal
Yes, if employees work in multiple companies and transfer PF contributions every time they join in a new job then all service periods will be merged. Even though the employees have gaps in their jobs still when they join a new job and transfer their PF, then their old service period will be merged with the present service period.
# Can I fill form 15G online?
No, you cannot fill forms 15 G & 15H online, you have to fill it with a ball pen manually, but you can upload copies of form 15G part 1 and part 2 online at the UAN member portal.
# Is form 15G required for PF withdrawal after 5 years?
Not required, If you are withdrawing your PF amount after 5 years then you don’t need to submit form 15G even though you are withdrawing above 50000 Rs of PF claim amount.
# Should I submit form 15G for pension form 10C?
No, form 15G is not required for pension withdrawal. You need to submit or upload form 15G only for PF claim amount i.e for form 19 only. For form 10C you don’t’ need to submit form 15G.
But remember to upload form 15G your PAN number must be linked with your UAN number otherwise UAN portal will not accept the form 15G and you will get the following message that “Verified PAN not available cannot upload form 15G”.
In this case, you need to submit 2 copies of form 15G and 1 copy of your PAN card to your regional EPF office, within 1 or 2 days after applying for the online claim, then no tax will deduct from your PF claim amount.
Where do we need to apply form 15g blank copy and PanCard?
there is no upload option for pancard in the portal.
Where we need to upload form Blank copy of form 15g and pan card?
There are no upload options in the portal.
You can upload form 15G while applying for form 19, and there is no need to upload PAN Card copy, just link it with your UAN.
Hello Sir/Madam,
I have Resigned on 30Dec2023. Date of exit 30Dec2023. Currently I am not working. My last pf amount Employer has deposited in month Feb 2024 And What Should Will I have fill in 4 no coloum [Previous year(P.Y.)³ (for which declaration is being made) ]. I Confused and don’t know what should I fill. Please Reply 🙏
Previous year is 2024- 2025,
Assessment year is 2025-2026,
Previous year ending on is 31 March 2025.
(It applies to all the EPF members who are withdrawing PF in between 01 Apr 2024 to 31 March 2025)
useful info shared.Thank you
Hi Sir,
I left my job at march 2022. Can i withdraw my full Pension amount. How Can I apply for that. Pl suggest.
Thank you.
Yes.. you can withdraw the pension amount..but PF withdrawal after 2 months last date of exit…
I have my pf more than 2 lakhs,i want to claim 2 lakhs as advance ,I’m I eligible to claim adavance as rs-2 lkhs?
if not whats the procedure to claim sttlement and what are the forms i hv to submit?please do give suggestion,
You can apply form number 31…
What to be filled in estimated total income if I left my job on 22 June 2022 after less than 5 years of job ? Should i also mention the salary i was paid from April 2022 to June 2022 in the total estimated income?
My PF amount is 1,00,000 only.
Thanks man. This article is very helpful.
My total PF amnt is more than 50,000 and my service period is 5yrs and 2 mnths. Do I need to submit form 15G
no…your service is more than 5 years…
Dear Concern,
I have total PF amount of 110000 what I have to fill in column 16 and 17.
What is 60000 here you mention in the form.
I resigned from the workforce in 2015. I have not worked since.
Do I need to submit form 15G?
In your FAQ, it says form 15G is not required but when I tried to claim my PF, the portal is asking to submit Form 15G.
Could you please help me?
If you are not eligible for form 15G then you don’t need to upload it. The form 15G submission option is visible to everyone but only eligible candidates have to submit it.
(If your total PF amount is more than 50,000 Rs and service is less than 5 yrs then only you need to submit form 15g).
Hi Sir,
My pf amount is more than 50K as becasue of mearging with previous orginations also i need suggestion on form 15G.
If your total service is below 5 yrs, then you need to submit form 15G.
Please submit form no 15G
my mother left job in the year 31/03/2020 and she will not sign and only left thumb is used for withdrawal in bank transactions.
for submitting form 15 g ,any attestation required for pf withdrawal or only self declaration is enough please suggest
I have applied PF two times and got rejected twice because of irrelevant reasons. First time for technical issue (i don’t know what does that mean) and second time asking about form 15g. I have service more than 8 years then why Form 15 G is require? Can someone please help me understand the issue?
Not required, If you are withdrawing your PF amount after 5 years then you don’t need to submit form 15G even though you are withdrawing above 50000 Rs of PF claim amount.
I want withdraw my PF. It is old since 2008. means 12 to 13 yrs old.
Pls inform form 15G required?
Also inform me how to claim my Pension amt ? Which form fill online?
Thank you for detailed explanation. I have job service 4 Years 7 Months and I left job and right now jobless. I am going to withdraw my PF amount which is Rs 50,000 above. In this case can I get my full PF amount.
Please suggest me.
You will get your full PF amount, but you have to submit form 15G while applying for PF using form 19.
For pension withdrawal form 15G is not required.
Thanks !! very useful…
I have submitted form 15G but still I was charged with 10% TDS on my PF withdrawal . How should i get my TDS refunded?
Even though your PF account number is old still has UAN, you can convert your old PF to new PF and find your UAN on UAN member portal by using the know your UAN option.
Know more details about PF number format. here.
You pls answer my fill that is assessed in which ward/Circle?
What is AO code?
There is no need to fill in those details.
Sir ,I am withdrawing pf in april 2021
So can you please answer my
previous year (py) ?
Previous year ending ?
Assessment year ?
Hi Rajesh-
I resigned from my company in Dec 2020 and trying to withdraw my PF now. I have worked for 8.5 years but it is still asking me to upload 15G and a blank copy of cheque book. What should i do?
Also, if I am submitting form 15G, what should i mention in ques# 4 (Previous Year), ques# 15 a and b, ques# 17 and ques# 18 (I do have FDs with other banks and had filled Form 15G there; what details do i need to provide here regarding that?)
Also, what should i put for Year Ending On and Assessment Year in the Declaration/Verification section?