Salary accounts have more benefits when compared to savings account. The major benefit of having a salary account is a Zero minimum balance facility. Now every bank is charging some charges if the account holder doesn’t maintain a minimum balance in his account. So in order to avoid these minimum balance charges, you must convert your savings account into a salary account.
In order to covert a savings account to a salary account, we need to write a formal letter to the bank’s branch manager. Along with this letter you need to submit a copy of your identity card which belongs to the company in which you are working.
Sample Letter Formats to Convert Savings Account to Salary Account
Format 1 (For SBI Account Holders)
The Branch Manager,
State Bank of India,
Branch Address,
Pin Code.
Sub: Request for account conversion.
Respected Sir/Madam,
I ____________(your name) savings bank account holder of your bank for last one year and my account number is ___________(bank a/c no.) I have been employed by the _____________ company name from _________( date of joinining).
All the employees of our company have salary accounts in your bank, so I would like to convert my savings bank account to salary account, so that I can get some more benefits.
So kindly convert my savings bank account to salary account, please do the needful.
Thanking you.
Your name.
Format 2 (For Other Bank Account Holders)
The Branch Manager,
Bank Name,
Branch address.
PIN Code.
Sub: Request for Salary Account Conversion
Dear Sir,
I _____________ (account holder name) have been running an account in your bank with account no _____________(a/c no). Recently I have joined ____________(company name) and I would like to convert my normal savings bank account to a salary account.
So here I am requesting you to kindly convert my savings bank account to salary account.
Thanking you.
K Raghuram.
I am a defence pensioner having DSP account with SBI for last 16 years. Recently my account was hacked by a fraudster in order to avoid/repeat such incident again, I would like to open another DSP account in the same bank, where my pension is being credited. May I know the procedure to change my present DSP account to a new DSP account. Kindly advice.
I have completed 36years of service in central government and my salary credited to my savings bank account in SBI.Many time requested branch manager to convert the salary account but sofar not happened due to that I unable to avail the benefits as government servent.please do the needful