LWD means the “Last Working Date” on which you are officially relieved/terminated from your job. Your salary & other benefits will be paid up to this date.
Simply LWD means the date on which the employee has attended his/her work for the last time. Your Last Working Date will be decided by your notice period in your job.
Employees need to mention their last working date on their resignation letter, then the employer will take a final decision depending on their company’s notice period policy.
The last working date will be confirmed by the employer after accepting the employee’s resignation. It will be communicated to the employee through resignation confirmation mail/letter by the employer.
LWD Confirmation Mail Example:
Sub: Acceptance of Resignation
Dear Mr./Ms [Employee Name],
This is in reference to your resignation dated [date], we hereby accept it and you will be relieved from your duties with effect from closing hours of [L.W.D] as a [employee designation] of [company name].
We wish you all the very best in your future endeavors.
With Best Wishes,
Authorized Person’s Name,
If your employer doesn’t agree with your last working date request, then they will ask you to extend it.
Why LWD (Last Working Date) is Important:
It is the date on which you are officially relieved from your job, this date will be mentioned on your experience certificate & relieving letter.
Your salary and other benefits such as PF, bonus, leave encashment and gratuity will be calculated up to this date.
In PF Last Working Date (LWD) is called as Date of Exit (EOE).
EPF members need to update their Date of Exit in their PF account to transfer their PF amounts from their old PF account to the new PF account (or) for PF withdrawal.
What if my last working date falls on Sunday (or) any public holiday?
You should plan your LWD while writing your resignation letter, if it falls on Sunday/public holidays then you can shift it to the next working day (or) the previous working day. You can negotiate about this with your employer.
When will I get my Salary after my Last Working Date?
It will take one week to 30 days for your full and final settlement depending upon your company’s exit policy.
Can I ask for a change of date of exit after acceptance of resignation?
It depends on your relationship with the employer and your necessity for the job.
After how many days I can withdraw my full PF after LWD?
After 2 months from your LWD, you can withdraw your PF.
When can I transfer my PF after LWD?
You can transfer your PF whenever you get your new PF account number in your new job. But remember while changing jobs only the PF number changes but UAN will remain the same.
Can I leave my job before the last working date (LWD)?
It will be considered as absconding, and your salary will be held by your company, and you don’t receive any experience and relieving letters as well. All these will cause problems getting your next job.
What are LWD proofs?
Your experience letter and relieving letter can be considered as LWD proof.