EPF Challan Account Numbers : EPF Challan contains 5 account numbers but most of us don’t know about these account numbers on EPF Challan. While generating challan online in new unified PF portal it is very important to check whether all the details entered in each account number of PF challan or not.
EPF Challan Account Numbers
Account Number 1: It consists 12% of employee PF contribution and 3.67% of employer contribution.
Account Number 2 : It consists 0.85% administration charges of employer
Account Number 10 : It consists 8.33% Pension contribution of employer
Account Number 21 : It consists 0.5% EDLI (Employee Deposite Linked Insurance) charges.
Account Number 22 : It consists 0.01% EDLI administration charges.
Dear Sir,
I need format for have complete track of PF challan paid for making dues/paid statement in epfo.
Do you have such format ? if yes then pls share it to me.
Account Number 2 be minimum amt 500 and Account Number 22 be minimum amt
thank u
@ Ramesh
Yes Ramesh, you are right.