PF Account Number Search by Company Name in 2023

Mostly employees who haven’t remember their PF account number and UAN number will generally search for how to know my pf account number by name or company name. But the answer is you can find your company PF code by using their name but you cannot find your PF account number by using your name.

PF number format consists of region code, office code, establishment code, establishment extension, and PF member id. In online you can find all the details except your member id.

But if you know your company PF code then you can get your member id by asking any employee who has joined before you or after you in that company, because mostly EPF numbers will be created in a serial order.

How to do PF Account Number Search by Company Name

PF Account Number Search by Company Name

Step 1: Go to website.

Step 2: Enter your company name & there is no need to enter a code number. After entering the company name type the captcha and click on search.

Step 3: Now you will see all your company branches located in different parts of India, you can search your branch and find your company PF code.

Step 4: Now contact any of your colleague who has joined before or after to your and ask their PF number, mostly the prceding number or following number might be your PF account number.

Other Ways to Find Your PF Number

You can Find Your PF Number or UAN number by Using your Aadhar or PAN

If your PF account has linked to your mobile number and either your AAdhar number or PAN is also linked to your PF account then you can easily find your UAN by at UAN member portal, by clicking on know your UAN or activate UAN option in UAN member portal.

Check Your Pay Slips

Some organizations print PF number and UAN number on payslips, if you are lucky then you may find your PF details on your salary slip.

Contact Your Employer

This is the best way to find your PF number and UAN number because every employer will maintain a data base of employee PF details, so better contact your employer either through email or directly to get your PF number.

Visit PF office

If your employer is not operating and not supporting to you, then the final option is to visit your regional EPF branch office and request them to provide your PF number, and at the same time, you can link your mobile number with your PF account, so that you can utilize various online services provided by EPFO.

54 thoughts on “PF Account Number Search by Company Name in 2023”

  1. I was employed with Intelenet Global Services from 21st June 2010 till 04th May 2011, I didn’t collect any salary slips, is there I way I can find my PF account number?

    • To find your UAN online your Adhar and mobile number should be linked with your PF account, but most old PF accounts don’t have it.
      You can get it only from your employer or respective EPF office.

  2. I worked with icici bank ltd, At Agra kamla nagar branch from 2007 to 2011. I forgot my pf account no and my mobile also changed. Kindly help me to withdraw my money.

  3. I was working in Amartex ind. Pvt ltd . I leaved job in 2012. I didn’t get pf number that time .I can’t contact my company person. What I do for claiming or finding pf number. Pls give advise.

  4. Dear Sir

    please find and infom the my pf balance
    company name Aster Teleservices pvt ltd.,


  5. Hai sir/ madam

    In 2015 I worked in one construction company. I left the job. So i didn’t get the PF number at that time. So i can’t contact my company right now. So how can i get that PF num

  6. How can I search my old pf no. Left the firm 2003. The pf office is not willing to share detail nor the employer. How do retrieve the pf no.

  7. I was working in pan communication Pvt ltd . I leaved job in 2012. I didn’t get pf number that time .I can’t contact my company person. What I do for claiming or finding pf number. Pls give advise.

    • You can get it either from your company or from your respective PF office.
      It is better to visit your company and they will check in their records. If they don’t help then visit your PF office.

  8. Sir

    Kindly correct the following pf Number


    Please quote the seven digit PF Number, for the above mentioned PF Number

  9. Hello Sir,

    I was left my job for any reason and forgot PF number also the phone number is lost for which UAN is linked please advise if there is any way to find

    • If your Aadhar is linked to your PF account then you can find your UAN online on the UAN member portal, otherwise, you need to visit your PF office and link your Aadhar number.

  10. I was working in nyati . I leaved job in 2012. I didn’t get pf number that time .I can’t contact my company person. What I do for claiming or finding pf number. Plse give advise.

    • If your mobile number and Aadhar number are linked to your PF Account then you can find your UAN online on the UAN portal website.
      Otherwise, you have to contact your company (or) visit the PF office directly to know your PF details, they will have the data.
      But don’t leave your PF amount unclaimed, it is your amount.

  11. Good day sir , I had joined the company in 1990. and In November 2007 I had leaved the company “reliance industries Ltd. ‘ located at SURAT, Gujarat. At that time there was no UAN number. I have PF number only. Even i am not able to generate UAN online. Now i am 60 years old still i did not get Pension. I have submitted all documents to PF office Surat. I received the message on my mobile that ” your claim ID SRSRT2110000000338 is under process and will be settled shortly.’ on 23 OCt. 2021. When i am going to PF office nobody giving response. please do he needful .At least generate my UAN so that i can check the status of the claim.

    • You can find your UAN using your PF number on the UAN member portal.
      go to the UAN member portal –> click on the know your UAN option.
      Once you know your UAN then you can use PF online services like PF withdrawal, pension withdrawal and also to register PF related complaints.


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