How to Avoid Sandwich Leave

You cannot avoid Sandwich leave if your company is following this policy. You can only avoid it by working remotely (or) attending the office for half a day (or) Starting/ending your leaves exactly on the sandwich leave date.  

For example, if you want to take leave on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, you should start taking leave from Friday, so that you can end your leave on Saturday, and Sunday as usual weak off for you 

Companies follow the Sandwich leave rule to avoid the number of leaves taken by employees before and after the weak offs/public holidays. Otherwise, the company will suffer from a lack of employees, it will be a huge financial loss to companies. 

How to avoid sandwich leave

Sandwich Leave Policy Examples

  1. If Diwali falls on Thursday, and employees take leaves on Wednesday and Friday, then Thursday will be sandwiched, even though it is a festival holiday.
  2. If Republic Day falls on Tuesday, and employees take leaves on Monday and Wednesday, then Tuesday will be sandwiched even though it is a national holiday.
  3. If Sunday is a week off for you, and you take leaves on Saturday and Monday, then Sunday will be sandwiched.

Is the Sandwich Leave Policy Legal

There are no specific labor laws or acts that control the sandwich leave policy. Companies can implement a sandwich leave policy without any legal problems.  

Why Companies Have Sandwich Leave Policy

1. The main aim is to reduce the number of leaves taken by employees during the time of holidays. 

2. Sandwich leave policy saves the leave encashment amount. Employees need to use Earned leaves or casual leaves to avoid LOP (Loss of Pay) on sandwich leave day. When the employees use the EL balance, it reduces the total leave encashment paid by the company.


1. If an employee takes sick leave on Saturday, and Monday is a public holiday, Will Sunday be considered as a Sandwich Leave?

No, that Sunday will not considered a sandwich. It can be considered as sandwich leave only if the employee becomes absent /takes leave on Tuesday.

2. Do all companies follow a sandwich leave policy?

No, every company doesn’t follow the sandwich leave policy. You can contact your HR department / read the company’s leave policy to know whether your company has it or not.

3. How to avoid Loss of Pay on Sandwich Leave Day?

You have to use your paid leaves such as Sick leaves, Casual Leaves, or Earned leaves to avoid LOP.

4. Can Sandwich leave apply to Sunday if it is not a week off for me?

If Sunday is not a weak off for you, it will not be considered for sandwich leave. Sandwich leave applies to you whenever you take leaves before and after your week off /public holiday.


2 thoughts on “How to Avoid Sandwich Leave”

  1. Hi

    In my company there is a week off on Saturday & Sunday.

    If there is a Govt holiday on Monday, if i take leave on Tuesday & Wednesday does this considered has sandwich Leave?


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