New Single Page EPF Composite Death Claim Form 20+10 D+5 I.F

Sample filled EPF composite death claim form or how to fill EPF composite claim form: Recently Employee Provident Fund Organization has launched new EPF composite forms, which make PF claim settlements easy. In place of previous PF withdrawal forms Form 19 & 10C now EPFO launched single EPF composite claim forms ( Composite Claim Form Aadhar & Composite  Claim Form Non Aadhar ) for both Form 19 & 10 C.

Now the good news is that EPFO introduced common composite death claim form in place of previous PF death Claim forms like 10 D, 5 IF and Form 20. Now a single page composite death claim form is enough to get death benefits of the employee.

Read: New PF Forms Introduced By Employee Provident Fund Organization

How To Fill EPF Composite Claim Form Aadhar Version

How To Fill EPF Composite Death Claim Form  20+10 D+5 I.F / Sample Filled EPF Composite Death Claim Form In Death Cases

Download EPF new composite death claim form 20+10 D+5 I.F

EPF Composite Death Claim Form

New Single Page EPF Composite Death Claim Form 20+10 D+5 I.F

Features  Of New PF Death Claim Form

It is a single page combined form for PF form 20 + 10D+ EDLI 5 I.F

Consists of 13 Fields

Both Employer and Claimant’s signatures are needed.

↓ Sample Filled EPF Death Claim Form 10D+20+5 I.F

The Following Documents Should Be Enclosed Along With PF Death Claim Form.

  1. Death Certificate
  2. Joint Photograph of claimants
  3. Date of birth of children claiming Pension
  4. Scheme Certificate ( If available)

47 thoughts on “New Single Page EPF Composite Death Claim Form 20+10 D+5 I.F”

    • Submit the forms mentioned in the above post along with the death certificate of your father to the HR department of the company in which your father has worked.
      They will do the remaining process.

  1. When can I get pension amount after settled epf and EDli.i received my deceased spouse pf and edli on 13-8-21, but not pension amount. Plz reply

  2. Sir, my queries are
    Died during off time and outside of office -in this case is it take as died in service yes or not.
    Claiment does have chq book -only having Passbook.
    and sir
    2 months is already over of date of death but could not submit the forms .so is there any time limit for submiting the forms to pf office

  3. Sir,
    In this composite Death claim form , We are giving one bank account details for pension purpose.
    Are they club pension of children ,widow etc… or we have to give individual forms for pension.
    Thank You

  4. Hi Imran,

    Thanks for helping us by providing such an important valuable information.

    I need to submit an composite death claim form for my son who is not married & died in service. He did not mention nominee & we being parents want to know the process to claim.

    1) He worked for 3 -4 previous employers but didn’t transfer or claim PF. Currently do we need to ask all previous employers to transfer PF to last employer or We need to withdrawal PF for each employer individually?

    2) From the EPF member Passbook details I can claim for EPF contribution and pension but do we get EPF life insurance or EDLI from all the previous employers?

    3) Using composite death claim form do we get EPF contribution, pension and EPF life insurance or EDLI , Do we need to submit any required multiple forms & payment will be done at once?

    4) In my case, what are the supporting documents i need to submit?

    Thanks for the reply!

  5. Dear Sir,

    If a person is having one wife and two minor kids, Is it mandatory to provide kids details ? or we can only give details of wofe alone. what difference in pension amount will it make if we dont provide kids details ?
    Thankyou in anticipation,

  6. Hi Sir My Wife Expired When She Was In Service. Shall I Submit Single Form 20 Or 3 Forms (20, 10D, 5IF) . And Is It Mandatory to Submit Surviving Certificate?. And Please Tell Me What Are The Documents To be submitted.

  7. Dear Sir

    In death case process, will Bona fide certificate issued by school for deceased son & Daughter would be considered by EPFO ??
    or Birth certi by municipal corp is compulsory required for birth date proof ?

    Kindly confirm at your end.

  8. Hello,
    Death case has been processed, but it still shows FOrm 20 (EPF settlement) only has been settled

    what about pension start, EDLI benefits?

    can you tell me in this matter?

    • Hi Imran,
      if the nominees have submitted form 10 D and From 5IF then soon they will get the amounts, to know the status raise a grievance at PF portal.

      • Yes, we have submitted composite form for PF, EPS, EDLI benefits.

        So may be possible, for EPS and EDLI other department will take initiative????

  9. Dear sir

    facing query in death case after submitting claim rejected with demand of following information

    1) they have asked for Death while in service certificate by employer.

    could you please provide sample so that we can initiate the claim again.


    • Hi Bharathi,
      When you are claiming more than 50000 Rs in less than 5 years then you have to enclose Form 15G with PF claim form.

  10. dear sir,
    QUERY IS , while filling death claim form, we found that ,name of father and surname is different on epfo portal for the died member,

    everything is ready for the submission.

    kindly advise what to do now,

  11. In death Case,

    If claimants consist of wife & 2 minor daughter, in that case,
    which size of joint photograph needed and does employer need to attest the same photograph??

    await for your reply.

  12. Thanks , additionally, can whole EPF and EPS can be withdrawn by wife?? & we supposed to attest the photograph and documents of claimants?

    Thank you

    • Hi Imran,
      Yes, entire PF amount will be withdrawn by his wife and she will get pension amount every month. Photograph of the claimant is required.

  13. Sir,
    Would like to inquire following points in respect to death claim form

    1) Death certificate copy or original shall be attached?
    2) Deceased person was married , so his wife and two children’s joint photograph should be attached or single one?
    3) in this case, pension should be claimed by only his children or we can give birth certi of his wife?

    please clarify in this matter.

    • Hi Imran,
      You need to submit :
      1. Death certificate original
      2. Individual photo graphs of claimants
      3. Date of birth proof of claimants who are claiming benefits.


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