How to Update / Correct Date of Exit in EPF Account

EPF members whose date of exit is not available are not able to withdraw their PF amount online at UAN member portal. Date of joining and date of exit are two important things that every PF officer will check when the employee went to withdraw PF amount. So marking employee exit date is very important for an employer to make a smooth transaction between employee and EPFO.

How to update date of exit in EPF account

Step 1:- There are two ways to enter exit dates of the employee in employee provident fund organization. The first one is by bulk exit method and the other one is by doing individual exit in unified EPF employer portal. For this employer needs to login to employer PF portal.

Step 2:- After successful login, click on a member in the primary menu and select profile. Then employer redirected to another page, which asks for UAN number or PF account number of the employee. Here we need to enter the UAN number or member id of the employee to whom we want to mark exit.

Individual Employee Exit Unified EPF Portal

Step 4:- Once we enter the details the detail of that particular employee will appear on the screen, there we will find three options, they are profile, kyc and mark exit. Now our aim is to mark EXIT. So click on exit and enter  the reason for exit and exit date of the eployee and click on save.

Individual Employee Exit Unified EPF Portal

The reasons are mainly Retirement, Death in service, Super Annuation, Permant Disablement, Cessation, and Death away from service, if you don’t know the reason then mark it as UNKNOWN

Step 4:- After selecting reason and entering the date we will get the following message

Member Exit Saved Successfully for Approval.

Individual Employee Exit Unified EPF Portal

Step 5:- After this go to approvals under MEMBER option in the primary menu and approve the exit of the employee and complete the process of individual employee exit unified EPF portal.

Also read: How to withdraw PF without date of exit

How to correct / change date of exit in PF

Sometimes employers may mark the wrong date of exit for EPF members. In this case, both employee and employer are not able to correct the date of exit online.

In order to correct or change the incorrect date of exit, EPF member needs to submit PF joint declaration form to their regional EPF office.

PF joint declaration form

Along with PF joint declaration form employer need to write a request letter to the regional PF office to correct the date of exit of the employee. Once employee or employer submit these Two then within 30 days the DOE of the employee in PF will be corrected.

If you don’t want to wait until the correction of DOE and are you in hurry to claim PF amount then submit above Two letters along with your PF claim forms.

343 thoughts on “How to Update / Correct Date of Exit in EPF Account”

  1. Hello Sir,

    What can be done in the case if the employer is not responding and approving the Mark Exit, and also for the bank approval ??

  2. Dear Sir,

    I quit the job on April 29, 2022. But last contribution for the month of April was made by the employer on May 14, 2022. Is there any problem if I apply for full amount claim. I am still not employed as on August 2022.

    Could you please help.


  3. Respected Sir,

    Our employee had committed suicide on 18-November-2021 but we had mentioned his exit date 16-November 2021 by mistake in EPFO portal and we had mentioned the reason of his exit was “Death in Service”. Now please guide us that how we can correct his exit date in EPFO so that his family can get the insurance. We had mentioned his exit date incorrect but we had given the correct reason for his exit.

  4. Sir,
    I am updating my Mark Exit in EPFO portal but it showing ‘No Employment found’ & ‘No records to view’ & also my previous employer doesn’t update my service details after continuous follow-up since last 3 years.
    I have Register a complaint on the EPF grievance portal but their response is ‘You can yourself update your date of exit through unified portal in MANAGE column. You can update date of exit e 60 days after leaving the establishment. OR contact to employer for updation of date of exit’.

    Please suggest…

    • You can update your date of exit after two months from the date of leaving your job.
      If you are unable to do that then please check your PF passbook and if you find any differences with your actual service details then you have to correct them by using PF joint declaration form.

  5. Hi,
    I need to correct my exit date. And my previous company belongs to HYDERABAD office. And I am in Kerala. Can I go Kochi, Kerala PF office for correction with the join declaration form. Or should I need to go Hyderabad PF office ? Kindly suggest here.

    • You have to visit the Hyderabad PF office.
      You can also ask for help from your employer (if they are supportive). Send the joint declaration form to your company by courier and ask them to submit it to the PF office.

  6. My DOE is wrongly updated by my previous employer. Before that only I was able to transfer the PF amount to my current employer. Still I should get my DOE corrected? I have UAN account more than 10yrs. Please advise if this create any issues in PENSION. Please guide.

  7. Hello Sir,
    If my service details are missing & not updated by previous employer (i.e. DOJ,DOE),shall I give that UAN number to my current company?

    • Yes, you can give it. And also ask your previous employer to update them, so that you can transfer that amount to your new PF account.

      • Thank You Sir for your quick response.
        Main problem is that my previous employer doesn’t update my service details after continuous follow-up since last 3 years…
        I just joined new company & want to link that UAN. So is it required my previous employer concern to update that as they don’t bother to update?
        Please suggest…

        • Register a complaint on the EPF grievance portal and complain about your employer they will contact them on your behalf.
          (For the date of exit, you don’t need your previous employer’s concern; you need it for the date of joining.)

          • Sir,
            I register the complaint on the EPF grievance portal and complain about my previous employer. But their reply was not satisfactory as they are rerouting me again to get the details furnish by employer & my previous employer doesn’t update my service details after continuous follow-up since last 3 years…
            What should I do in this case?
            Please suggest.

          • If your date of joinint or date of exit is wrong then you can correct it by submitting PF joint declaration form.
            If your employer is not signing PF joint declaration form, then directly go to PF office and complain about your employer.
            Most employees will follow the same process in such cases.

  8. Sir,
    I am updating my Mark Exit in EPFO portal but it showing ‘No Employment found’ & ‘No records to view’
    Please suggest on that.

    • First, you have to transfer your PF from your old PF account to the latest PF account, after completion of the transfer withdraw the entire amount from your 2nd PF account.

  9. Hello Sir,

    Last working day in previous company was 31st March, 2021 and company did last PF contribution on 16th July 2021
    Current exit date recorded in PF portal is 31st March 2021

    I joined new company on 12th April, 2021

    Now if I raised PF transfer request online, will it get rejected due to exit date mismatch or shall I withdraw my PF from previous company that would be better

    Request you to please advise

  10. Sir
    Date of leaving is entered as 30/11/2021 by the company but company has deposited the due PF in the month of December 2021.
    What should be his date of leaving as per PF norms ?

    • In your case, December will be the date of exit.
      Actually, the last working date should be taken as the date of exit, but as your paid PF is due for Dec, EPFO will consider Dec will be the last working date.
      It causes PF transfer problems when that employee joins another job in December itself due to service overlapping issues.
      If he joins later then it may not be a problem.

  11. Dear sir ,
    Employee date of exit 31/07/2021 was wrong entered and also reason was wrong. now member was expired. how to change exit date correct date 17/07/31 plz
    my request accept.

  12. Dear sir ,
    Employee date of exit was wrong entered and also reason was wrong. now member was expired. how to change exit date

  13. Dear My employers filled two different dates in form 19 is 14/3/2008 and in form 10C is 10/5/2008 but I have not resigned nor Aparajitha corporate services P Ltd terminated me they have taken my sign in blank epfo form while joining and it is settled by company kindly guide me two different dates are accepted by epfo.

    • Try to apply PF claim online on the UAN portal, if you get any error or if your claim gets rejected then you can proceed further based on the reason.

  14. Sir agar kisi employee ki last worrking day 19 dec210 hai aur employer ne Jan21 & Feb 21 me uske ncp days 31 & 28 dal diye hain.. To uski exit date kon si padegi. 19 dec21 ya 28feb21. Please suggest 🙏

    • 19 Dec 2021 should be the correct date of exit. If you update January or February dates then if that employee joins in a new job on the same dates then it will create problems.
      So it is better to consider the last working date of the employee as the date of exit in PF.


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