Sample Filled Form 15G for PF Withdrawal in 2022

Form 15G is a self-declaration to declare that the total income in a financial year is less than the income tax slab limit. It should be filled by the citizens of India whose age is ≤ 60 years. If the age is above 60 years then they have to submit form 15 H in place of form 15G. By submitting form 15G we can avoid TDS on PF withdrawals and fixed deposit interest

When it comes to PF withdrawal if the total PF amount ( employee + employer share) is above 50,000 Rs and the total service is below 5 yrs then that EPF member should submit form 15G along with PF claim form 19.

If EPF members fail to submit Form 15G then 34.6% tax will deduct from their PF claim amount (or) sometimes EPF officials will reject the EPF claim.

EPF members whose age is below 60 years need to submit Form 15G and for above 60 years form 15H is required.

Form 15G is not required If your PF amount is less than 50,000 Rs (or) the total service is above 5 years.

Tax on PF Withdrawal

If the employee submits both PAN and 15GNo tax deduction
If the employee submits only PANTDS 10%
If the employee doesn’t submit PAN alsoTDS 34.6%

EPFO Circular on TDS Deduction

Download in PDF Format

Form 15G Filled Sample for PF Withdrawal in 2022

Form 15G consists Two parts, we need to fill only part 1 of form 15G there is no need to fill part 2 of form 15G, just leave that page blank.

Here is an example of a sample filled form 15G part 1 and part 2, which will guide you on how to fill form 15G correctly for PF claim…

Sample Filled Form 15G Part 1

sample filled form 15G for PF withdrawal.

Sample Filled Form 15G Part 2

How to Fill Form 15G for PF Withdrawal in 2022

Field 1 (name of the assessee): Name of the person who is withdrawing PF amount.

Field 2 (PAN of the assessee): PAN number of the person withdrawing PF.

Field 3 (Status): Individual

Field 4 (Previous Year): 2021- 22
[note: until the end of the 31 March 2022 the previous year is 2021-22, later the previous year changes to 2022-23]

Field 5(Residential status): Indian

Fields 6 to 14: Address, mobile number, and email id of the person claiming PF.

Field 15: If you filed any IT returns then tick Yes, otherwise tick No. If you tick Yes then mention the assessment year. (Assessment year is the year followed by the financial for which you paid income tax).

Field 16 (Estimated income): PF amount ( employee and employer contribution), not pension amount.

Field 17 (Estimated total income): Mention your estimated annual income and PF amount together. For example, if you mentioned 60000 Rs in field 16 and your annual estimated income is 1,00,000 Rs then mention 1,60,000 Rs

Field 18: If any form 15Gs were submitted earlier then mention those details, otherwise leave this field blank.

Field 19: Write your UAN, PF number, and the section as 192 (A).

Previous year ending on 31 March 2022
[note: if you submit form 15G before 31 March 2022, later it will be 31 March 2023]

Assessment year: 2022 – 23
[note: until the end of the 31 March 2022 the assessment year is 2022-23, later the assessment year changes to 2023-24]

(Previous year and assessment year change every year, if you are withdrawing PF amount in between 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022 then mention the above details). The changes will be updated every year here.

Form 15G Part 2: You don’t need to fill part 2 of form 15G, it will be filled by the EPF officers. But you have to upload the blank copy of form 15G part 2 while claiming for PF using form 19 at the UAN member portal.

Difference Between Form 15G and Form 15H

  1. Form 15G will be submitted by the resident individuals whose age is below 60 years and their taxable income should be less than 2,50,000 Rs for Fy 2020-21.
  2. Form 15H will be submitted by the resident individuals whose age is 60 or above 60 along with below income tax slab criteria
  • For senior citizens, the annual income should be less than 3 lakhs, and for super senior citizens of age above 80 yrs, the annual income should be less than 5 lakhs.
  • Income from fixed deposit interests and post office deposit interests should be less than 50,000 Rs.

Form 15H Filled Sample for PF Withdrawal in 2021 – 22 ( If Age is Above 60 Years)

Filled Form 15H Part 1

Filled PF Form 15H for PF withdrawal part 1

Filled Form 15 H Part 2

Filled PF Form 15H for PF withdrawal part 2

How To Submit Form 15G & 15H Online For PF Withdrawal

Now EPF members can upload form 15G and form 15H online at the UAN member portal while applying for the PF claim. Here is the step-by-step process of uploading forms 15G and 15H for online PF claims.

Step 1: EPF members who select form 19 i.e PF amount withdrawal in the UAN member portal will get an option to upload form 15G. You don’t need to submit form 15G for pension amount withdrawal i.e form 10C amount.

how to submit form 15g for online pf withdrawal

Step 2: To upload form 15G in the member portal, first, download form 15G in this post and fill it with blue or black ball pen and scan it and save the document in PDF format, and size should be less than 1 MB. Now upload this form 15G in the UAN member portal.

But remember to upload form 15G your PAN number must be linked with your UAN number otherwise UAN portal will not accept the form 15G and you will get the following message that “Verified PAN not available cannot upload form 15G”.

In this case, you need to submit 2 copies of form 15G and 1 copy of your PAN card to your regional EPF office, within 1 or 2 days after applying for the online claim, then no tax will deduct from your PF claim amount.

Form 15G for PF Withdrawal FAQs

# Is form 15G mandatory for PF withdrawal?

If your total PF amount is 50,000 Rs or above and your service is below 5 years then only you need to submit form 15G, otherwise, you don’t need to submit form 15G.

If you don’t submit the form 15G eligible case, then EPFO will reject your PF claim and ask you to reclaim your PF along with form 15G. But in very rare cases your claim will be settled with tax deduction.

# What is estimated income on form 15G

While filling form 15G in field numbers 15 and 16, we will see estimated income details. Estimated income for which this declaration made means the amount which you are withdrawing. You can find the amount on your PF passbook.

In field no 16 you need to mention your estimated annual income. ( You don’t need to mention the exact amount, just mention the estimated amount.)

# Will service period in multiple companies consider for PF Withdrawal

Yes, if employees work in multiple companies and transfer PF contributions every time they join in a new job then all service periods will be merged. Even though the employees have gaps in their jobs still when they join a new job and transfer their PF, then their old service period will be merged with the present service period.

# Can I fill form 15G online?

No, you cannot fill forms 15 G & 15H online, you have to fill it with a ball pen manually, but you can upload copies of form 15G part 1 and part 2 online at the UAN member portal.

# Is form 15G required for PF withdrawal after 5 years?

Not required, If you are withdrawing your PF amount after 5 years then you don’t need to submit form 15G even though you are withdrawing above 50000 Rs of PF claim amount.

# Should I submit form 15G for pension form 10C?

No, form 15G is not required for pension withdrawal. You need to submit or upload form 15G only for PF claim amount i.e for form 19 only. For form 10C you don’t’ need to submit form 15G.

188 thoughts on “Sample Filled Form 15G for PF Withdrawal in 2022”

  1. Dear Sir

    PF/EPS withdrawal has been rejected two times due to following reason mentioned by EPF dept.


    kindly help what to write in column 19. ???

  2. my dad retired at age of 60 and his service is 35 years. he want to withdraw pf so at the time of pf withdrawal form 15h is applicable or not

  3. Hi,

    I have completed five years of experience but still asking to fill form 15G, whom do I need to approach in this case.


  4. Hello Mr. Rajesh,

    Thank you so much for going through the efforts to put this together. This is by far the best guide on PF withdrawal using 15G online.

    Although you have answered most of my queries through the post, I still have some confusion concerning the terminologies used in the form.

    1. The thing with 5 years of service – Should I have worked for at least 5 years in my LAST COMPANY to be eligible for ‘No TDS’ or it’s a combination of all my past work experience? I had a PF settlement in 2016 as well, should that affect this ‘5 years of service’ thing?

    2. The estimated total income in #17 – Is that the income I received in this financial year (2020-2021) so far and is that before or after exemptions? This is my tax slip from my last employer (I’m still unemployed), can you please go through it and tell me which of these amounts should I add in #17?

    Thank you in advance for your help! Much appreciated!


    • 1. If you have already claimed your PF in 2016, then your new PF service period will starts from 2019 from the date of your new job. If it is 5 yrs or above then you don’t need to submit form 15G.
      2. The simple way to mention the estimated income is to multiply your monthly in-hand salary with 12 months. If you are not working now, then multiply it with the number of months you worked in the FY 2020-21.

      • Thank you, Rajesh!

        I joined my last employer in April 2018 and left in June 2020.

        #My in hand salary/take home so far is Rs. 424540
        #Tax Deducted so far is Rs. 100796 (the tax is deducted based on the projection of my earnings in 2020-2021 based on the last CTC)
        #PF Balance is Rs. 400000

        So, in line 16 of Form 15G, I should enter Rs. 400000 and then in line 17 Rs. 824540. And that I have to pay a %10 TDS on my PF withdrawal which is Rs. 40000?

        I’ve been charged more tax than the nominal already because of the projected tax calculations rather than my actual earnings in the FY. Although, I can get a refund when I file my tax return, isn’t there anything I can do to avoid this 10% tax on my PF withdrawal at this moment?

        Thanks again!

  5. Dear Mr Rajesh,
    Thank you for taking the time to create & share valuable info like this. It is very very helpful.
    Regards & God bless.

  6. Hello,

    My mom’s IB account has a few MMD and FDs. They were a gift from my family. She doesn’t work. She hasn’t filed for Income tax. She is 70+. Her PAN details are registered with the bank. Should she file the 15H form? The bank has already got the form last year. Now as we cannot go outside much, we are trying to deal with internet banking.

    If she does have to file, what should she put in these blanks? The limit amount is already filled by default as 5 lacs. I am not sure about the other details requested- like there are lines of information needed like indentification number etc.,I have no idea what it means. Requesting your guidance

  7. Hello sir, my pf amount is below 30,000/- and I worked for 13 months. Is 15g form required to upload? I wish to withdraw the whole amount.

  8. I have resigned my job from the previous company on Feb-2020, after 7 years of service. Am I need to submit form 15G for PF withdrawal?

  9. Dear Team, i was employed with 2 companies. Please suggest how could i withdraw my pf from both companies. Please suggest which step i follow from below.
    Step 1 : should i transfer my pf balance to another pf account.
    Step 2 : should i apply online claim for both companies individually by submitting form 15G.

    • Better transfer your PF amount to your last worked company because it is not possible to link the same Aadhar with Two UANs.
      After transfer, it is your choice to withdraw the PF amount or not, but remember after PF transfer only PF amount will transfer, the pension amount will not transfer.
      To withdraw PF and pension you need to submit form 19 and 10C respectively, not form 15G. Form 15G is required to avoid TDS if your PF amount is more than 50000 rs and service is below 5 yrs.

  10. Hi Sr, I left the company on 06-01-2020. Now, I am jobless and applying for PF full withdrawal. So, what should I enter in fields 4, 15, 16, and 17. My KYC has been done already in 2019. Please suggest me how should i go ahead now.

  11. Sir my epf settlement amount below 30,000/-, duration of work period one year(2008-2009), whether form 15g upload or not in the Unified portal

  12. My dad retired two years ago at age 58 govt employee,now he wants to withdraw his entire pf amount, whether he has to submit form 15h? his service period is 30 years.while applying for pf withdraw in online whether he has to submit form 15h or not? kindly clarify.

    • Transfer your PF amount from previous PF account to present PF account and after transfer you can leave your previous UAN.

    • If your KYC like aadhar and bank account details are linked with your UAN number then update your date of exit in UAN member portal and submit form 19 and 10C online. If KYC not linked then you have to link KYC at UAN portal and ask your employer approve them, after approval you can claim your PF amount.

      • same i left my job in april 2019 , for studying so i need my pf money for my education fees , do i have to submit 15g form as its optional and what should i select for purpose for which advancement is required.

    • That means your previous employer is not approving your KYC details in their employer PF portal, so you have to talk with them directly to approve your KYC details, It is an easy process that takes less than a minute.

  13. Hi,

    I worked near around 1 year 7 month in my previous organization.
    Year from 2015 Dec to Sep 2017, what year should I put in Declaration & verification section. Please help.


  14. I”m 65.working in a” m going to retire from october19′ after working 5 yrs.3months. which form do i submit ‘ and how?


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