Simple Salary Slip Formats in Excel | Word | PDF Download

Salary slip is also called Payslips. Salary slips consist of the salary details of the employees, which include earnings like basic wage, HRA, Conveyance allowances, medical allowances, special allowances, and deductions like EPF, professional tax, TDS, and loan recovery details.

Here are some simple salary slip formats for private companies which you can download in Excel, Word, and PDF formats.

Simple Salary Slip Format 1

Simple salary slip format in Excel free download

Salary Slip Format 2

Salary slip format in excel download
Download the above salary slip format in Excel with formulasDownload
Excel Without FormulasDownload
Word FormatDownload
PDF FormatDownload

Salary Slip Format 3

Salary slip format in India Word format free download
Download the above salary slip Excel format with formulasDownload
Excel without formulasDownload
Word FormatDownload
PDF FormatDownload

Salary Slip Format 4

Salary slip format for Indian private company employees
Download above payslip format in Excel with formulasDownload
Download Excel format without formulasDownload
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Salary Slip Format India without PF and ESI in Excel

Salary slip without PF and ESI

Payslip format in Excel without PF and ESI
Download Excel With FormulasDownload
Excel Without formulasDownload
Word formatDownload
PDF formatDownload

Other Salary Slip Formats


Payslip format in Excel with formulas


How to Create a Salary Slip in Excel

Step 1: To create a salary slip/pay slip open a new Excel sheet and write your company name, address, and payslip month & year in the first three rows of the Excel file.

Step 2: Now enter the employee’s general details like name, designation, department, date of joining, gross salary, bank details, and any other required information as per your choice.

Step 3: Now enter the number of days in the month and the LOPs (Loss of Paydays) of the employee. To calculate total paid days subtract LOPs from the total days in the month.

Step 4: Now in one column add all the earnings of the employees such as basic wage, house rent allowances, conveyance allowances, medical allowances & special allowances. Calculate them based on total paid days. The sum of all the earnings will be called the actual gross salary of the employee.

Salary calculation formula for the total paid days = (Original gross salary/Total days in the month) X Paid days in that month.

Step 5: In another column add deductions such as EPF, professional tax, ESI/health insurance, TDS, salary advances, etc…

Important Components on Salary Slip

S noEarningsDeductions
1Basic Wage (40-50% of Gross Wage)EPF (12% of basic wage)
2HRA (40% of the basic wage for nonmetro cities)Professional Tax
3Conveyance Allowances ( 1600 Rs in urban areas)TDS
4Medical Allowances (1250 Rs)Health Insurance / TDS
5Other(Special) Allowances (Balance allowances)

Step 6: Now subtract all the deductions from the earned gross salary of the employee in that particular month, the balance amount will be the net salary of the employee.

Step 7: Now take out the printout of the salary slip and sign it and distribute to employees.

Useful Salary Slip Formulas

1Net salaryTotal Earnings – Total Deductions
2Gross WageBasic wage + HRA + Conveyance + Medical + Special allowances
3EPF12% of the basic wage of the employee.
4ESI0.75% of employee gross wage. ( ESI applicable if gross is above 21,000₹)
5CTCGross wage + Employer PF Contributions + Other Benefits Given by Employer


1. How can I get my salary slip

You can get your salary by asking your employer, it is the right of every employee to get a salary slip whenever they want.

2. What is the use of salary slip

Salary slip/pay slip acts as income proof, which is required for various loans and especially when you are trying to join in new with a better salary package.

3. How to verify my salary slip

If you know some basic formulas of salary calculations, then you can easily verify your salary slip yourself. Otherwise, take the help of anyone who knows about it.

4. Can HR verify salary details

Yes, HRs will definitely verify your salary details. It is their duty to verify the salary details of the existing employee and new joiners ( during background verification)

5. Can I edit my salary slip

You can edit your salary slip in Excel or PDF formats. But don’t manipulate your salary details on your payslips, it may cause problems.

6. What do you do if you don’t have a payslip

If you don’t have any payslips then you can download the above payslip formats and update your salary details. (make sure the salary you mentioned in the payslip should match the salary credited to your bank account).
Or Take help from your company’s HR or Account department.

7. Can new employer see my old salary

Yes, they will see your old salary. For that, they will ask you to submit your previous company payslips. (At least for the last 3 months)

8. It is Ok to lie about my current salary in the interview

It is not a good idea, why because once you are selected then they will ask you to submit your previous job pay slips.

9. How can I prove my income without a salary slip

You can show your bank statement, form 16, your job offer letter, or your appointment letter.


15 thoughts on “Simple Salary Slip Formats in Excel | Word | PDF Download”

  1. make a salary slip for the month of 7/11/2024 by the name of Employee Name Girish Sharma
    Designation Marketing Manager
    Month and year 7/11/24


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